Making the Transition...
Sunday, April 25, 2010
BP9_2010043_Web 2.0 Tool - Funnelbrain
image courtesy of
What is it?
- It’s a WEB 2.0 tool that allows students to create FREE flashcards, quizzes and study teams.
What are the features of this tool?
- · Add text
- · Add video
- · Add images
- · Add voice-over recordings
- · The Funnel – a mechanism within the tool that the student can choose to be enabled - The idea is to sort flashcards into groups according to how well you know the information on each flashcard. If you know the answer to the question on the flashcard, that flashcard moves to the next level. If you don't know the information, the flashcard is sent back to the first level. The repetition of material is "spaced" in a way for you to spend most of your time studying material that is more challenging.
- · Work as teams
What are the benefits?
- Improve study habits in a fun, engaging and creative way
- Encourages and promotes team building and support which can lead to many other different improvements in overall performance
- Upload and share Documents with your Team including Class Notes, Lesson Plans, and Assignments
- Write a Team blog and keep everyone up-to-date on the latest developments and class announcements
- It’s FunnelBrain, so of course you can host online Flashcards and Quizzes on your Team page
- Use the Team Discussion Board to post quick messages in real-time
- Use the invitation engine to connect with your friends on Facebook and invite them to work with you
BP11_2010043_Comment on Sanaa's Web2.0 Tool - Toondoo
BP10_2010043_Comment on Natalie's Web2.0 Tool - Twitter
Sunday, April 18, 2010
BP5_2010042_Web 2.0 Tools - Tikatok
Another web 2.o tool that caught my eye was Tikatok. It aids students in creating their very own book - whether it be a softback or a hardback. I particularly like the idea of creating books in school using information learned because then students really own their work! Some of the features of this tool include being able to add the names of friends to your book - this helps to really personalizes the book. For example, if I had one of my students to write a book about going on a "safari" - he or she could actually visit different parts of the world online with imges etc. They can take pride in what they've created and, in middle school, self affirmation is essential to the socialization process!
BP6_2010042_Comment on Sanaa's Blog titled "Quizlet"
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About Me
Saturday, April 3, 2010
Being an 8th grade science teacher who is always interested in finding out new and fun ways of motivating and engaging my students I choose 5 RSS feeds that are very closely related to teaching 8th grade physical science. The 5 RSS feeds are teacher vision, engaging science, explore learning, science spot and classroom.jc. Although I have only used one of them, explore learning, I was able to go online and visit each site. Each site has its unique way of engaging students in fun and exciting ways - many of which are via the use of online games. I was particularly impressed with Teacher vision site that has online graphic organizers and printables as well as science games! I plan to visit these sites in greater detail and use them to create more opportunities for my students to go online and interact with the world around them!
BP4_2010041_Web 2.0 Tools - Kafafa
I have chosen Kafafa as the Web 2.0 tool to learn more about and discuss in this blog. Kafafa is a free and very simple website building tool. I can either create a website myself using Kafafa and have my students interact with me via this website or I can group students and have them create their very own websites using Kafafa. With this tool my students would be able to not only create a website but within this website, my students will be able to do a variety of things that engage and motivate them to be an active participant in classroom assignments and activities. Some of the ways I would use Kafafa to engage and motivate my students to interact with me are listed below:
Image courtesy of
1) If I decide to have my students visit and interact with me via my website, the first I would do is create a customized poll feature which will allow me to verify which students have in fact visited my website.
2) By using the embed feature students will be able to upload videos from you tube onto the site.
3) With a blogging feature my students can create blogs that respond to specific pieces of information I provide or they can respond to specific blogs that I have on my website. With this added feature, I’d be able to manage all blog entries.
4) A feature that is very exciting is the photo gallery. Using this feature my students can upload photos and even create slideshows that pertain to specific science concepts. This will allow them to be creative in their thinking and develop projects on their own.
5) There is also a media feature on Kafafa that enables the user, my students, to upload videos that they have created. This is very exciting!!
Hi Sanaa ~
I really like this tool! What an excellent way for English Language Learners as well as other students to prepare for testing. What a great way to learn by interacting online to create your very own flashcards or use the ones already available. I like the feature that allows students to either work by themselves work with others in a study group. This is very exciting and so beneficial! Thanks Sanaa for sharing!