Making the Transition...

and my journey continues...

Sunday, April 18, 2010

BP5_2010042_Web 2.0 Tools - Tikatok

Image the courtesy of

Another web 2.o tool that caught my eye was Tikatok. It aids students in creating their very own book - whether it be a softback or a hardback. I particularly like the idea of creating books in school using information learned because then students really own their work! Some of the features of this tool include being able to add the names of friends to your book - this helps to really personalizes the book. For example, if I had one of my students to write a book about going on a "safari" - he or she could actually visit different parts of the world online with imges etc. They can take pride in what they've created and, in middle school, self affirmation is essential to the socialization process!

1 comment:

  1. I would be able to use this tool as well. In one of my former classes, I produced a yearbook. It actually would have been nice for the kids to be able to produce their own book. This might be good if one is teaching a unit on writing. I tried to get some kids to write a story, but they lost interest.
